Blog & Camp Recaps

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The Good, the Bad, and the Missing of Kenyan Traning

The Good, the Bad, and the Missing of Kenyan Traning

Should you train like the Kenyans? This blog answers that question by looking at 8 ways the Kenyan style of training can impact your own running. Three things to copy, two things you need not worry about, and three things where you should consider doing the opposite...

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What we can learn from the elites

What we can learn from the elites

In our last blog post we highlighted the risks associated with attempting to copy the training programs of elite runners and explained why this is not an effective way of getting the most out of your own running. The underlining message of that article, however, was...

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Why You Shouldn’t Copy the Elites

Why You Shouldn’t Copy the Elites

Finding new, imaginative and most importantly, effective ways of training is a relatively common pass time for most runners. Whether you have reached a bit of a plateau in performance and are looking for ways to break through, or you are simply searching for new ways...

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The Ups & Downs of Racing in Kenya

The Ups & Downs of Racing in Kenya

The blog retells some of Gavin's experiences of racing in Iten and Eldoret against some of the best runners in Kenya.  I wrote a description for a Instagram and Facebook post last week to go alongside a photo of me racing in Kenya. Unfortunately it was more than...

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Kenyan Hills (and other myths) Part 2

Kenyan Hills (and other myths) Part 2

This blog looks at The Kenyan Shuffle Jog and asks if it is useful type of running for non elite runners to include in their training. As a follow up to my previous article on Kenyan Hills I would now like to take a look at the next ‘Kenyan training myth’ I previously...

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Camp Recap – March 2020

Camp Recap – March 2020

"Everybody, the coaches, staff, locals and running mates were just outstanding"   Camp Info Camp Type: Training Focus WeeksDates: March 8th  - 21stKE Staff: Willy Songok (Head of Guest Relations), Callum Jones (UK management), Hugo van den Broek (Head Coach),...

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Critical Coaching: Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism

Critical Coaching: Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism

In this blog I want to take a look at the importance of being critical as a coach and how finding the right trade-off between optimism and critical analysis can have a significant effect on the athletes being coached. The opinions I present in this piece are based...

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Tim Brown – A Personal Reflection on The Kenya Experience

Tim Brown – A Personal Reflection on The Kenya Experience

In February 2020 8 guests from around the world took part in our Kenya Experience Original camp. You can read about our February Original Camp in our Camp Recaps section here One of those 8 guests included Tim Brown from the UK who joined us for a training camp in...

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Training Myths: Kenyan Hills

Training Myths: Kenyan Hills

This blog is about a workout that is commonly performed by western athletes and is usually referred to as "Kenyan Hills". It may surprise you to know that this workout is very rarely, if ever, performed by Kenyan runners! Many of you will have heard of a training...

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Mental Skills Training For Runners

Mental Skills Training For Runners

This blog talks about mental training for distance runners Time to try something new? With travel and movement restrictions now in place around the world people are looking for new and innovative ways to stay in shape and get their daily dose of exercise. Lets face...

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