The Kenya Experience UK Office
The Kenya Experience is a UK based company and all admin and organisation takes place from our UK based office. The office is headed by Gavin who along with his wife Lauren founded The Kenya Experience in 2010.
Gavin & Lauren Smith – Founders
“We developed The Kenya Experience to give runners of all standards and backgrounds the opportunity to experience the joy and the magic of running in Iten. Many things have changed over the decade since The Kenya Experience was first dreamt up but that initial idea is still what drives us to this day.”
Gavin and Lauren first visited Iten in 2010 and were immediately captivated by the atmosphere, the landscape and the people. Before they left Kenya they had already formulated a plan for how they could enable more runners just like them to experience the magic of Iten.
With backgrounds in Sports Science & Development, and Business & Marketing respectively they decided to develop a program which allowed runners of all levels to run in Iten and experience the running culture here. In an area with high unemployment and many of the local jobs low level and manual they were also able to provide high level employment for skilled local people.
Gavin and Lauren lived in Iten from early 2011 until the end of 2013. During this period, whilst further developing The Kenya Experience, Lauren worked as General Manager at the High Altitude Training Centre and Gavin coached Kenyan athletes as part of the Global Sports Communication Marathon Team. Gavin was Assistant Coach to Head Coach Renato Canova working with Olympic medal winners and world record holders alike.
Their experience of living in working amongst the local community provided a unique blend of understanding and skills to run The Kenya Experience.
Now living back in the UK, Gavin continues to work behind the scenes on The Kenya Experience to this day, whilst Lauren works for the National Governing Body for Swimming. They are both still keen runners. Gavin competes in road races and Lauren runs recreationally (often with dog Yego) 2 or 3 times a week.

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